We have all had bad breath at some point in our lives. Some people, however, suffer from much more severe bad breath and have continued problems keeping their breath fresh. Try following these tips to keep people from running away when you open your mouth.
1. Food
If you want to ditch bad breath, then you may have to ditch garlic and onions as well. Revising your diet is one of the easiest ways to kick your bad breath to the curb. Eat foods with strong odors in moderation because foods like garlic and onion are absorbed into your bloodstream and make their way out of your lungs when you exhale. Make sure to always brush after eating those foods.
2. Dry mouth
If you always need another sip of water because you just can’t kick the dry feeling in your mouth then you probably have bad breath. Saliva helps clean your mouth and remove bacteria, so when you are lacking it, there is often bacteria and odor buildup. Try to stay hydrated and visit your dentist if the problem persists.
3. Smoking
Smoking isn’t just bad for your lungs; it is also bad for your breath. While it is well known that smoking cigarettes releases carcinogens into our body that cause cancer and other diseases, less focus is put on oral health. Smoking poses great harm to your teeth and your breath. Kick the habit if you want a fresh mouth.