Sedation Dentistry
Oral conscious sedation, or OCS, utilizes oral sedative medication to relax you and significantly reduce your anxiety and discomfort during dental procedures. OCS does not require needles to administer and is less expensive than IV sedation.
Benefits of Oral Conscious Sedation:
- It’s very effective in reducing anxiety
- It’s safe and easy
- You can breathe on your own
- It makes long appointments tolerable
In many cases, you can get ALL of your dental work done in one visit. Unlike general anesthesia, which renders patients completely unconscious, oral conscious sedation leaves you able to sleep and breathe on your own. With OCS, you will enjoy a heightened state of relaxation and probably won’t remember much about the procedure afterwards. Your appointment will be a dream, and hours in the chair will feel like minutes.
Oral conscious sedation will put you at ease so you experience little to no discomfort, Dr. Sirakian will also administer a local anesthetic to ensure that you are completely comfortable. However, at this point in the procedure, you’ll be so relaxed that you’ll hardly even notice.
Whether you’re anxious about going to the dentist or just too busy for multiple visits, OCS can be a great solution to getting ALL your dental work done during one visit, comfortably and stress-free.
Dr. Sirakian will carefully review your medical history and consult with your physician to make sure there are no risks to your health. You’ll be asked to have a companion bring you to and from the office for your sedation appointment. Once you arrive, you’ll take additional medication, and we will start your treatment only when you are completely comfortable and relaxed. Our team will monitor you throughout your entire visit.